Sunday, March 03, 2013

hello March

Thawing a little, though still grey and windy around here. The days are getting noticeably longer now. We have time to run around outside in the early evening and watch the sun go down.

Doug and I are starting to check things off the to-do list for the sailing season, and of course for every item we check off a few more are added on. Such is boat life.
(a new light in the cockpit)

These cold March days, sailing season seems so far away. The boat is still wrapped in plastic and stiff and cold. Our mainsail is still in storage. It's hard to get motivated to knock out all of those little chores, but then the first truly warm day I know we'll wake up from this cold weather brain fog and suddenly want to hurry up and get it all done. So lists are made. Baby steps.


Amanda said...

I love baby steps. Today was warm enough here that I wanted to sail.

Bethany said...

Your snow is thawing. How wonderful! We're planning on making this our last winter on land! (There are teaching jobs on the east coast, so who knows...)

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