Monday, March 21, 2011

WIP: Zach's Room

We're big fans of the family bed aboard our little boat. But unfortunately this family has outgrown the bed and there is no way for the bed to grow too. We had some success transitioning Zach into his own room while I was pregnant, but when Naia came home it all changed. Zach's room was abandoned for the winter. The fellas made a man-cave out of the guest cabin and the little lady and I nested in the master cabin. Spring is in the air now and we're trying to make a change. I really, truly wish we could all be in one cabin, but it's not physically possible. So here's the new plan. We're tricking out Z's cabin with the hopes that he'll gleefully spend his nights there and then Daddy and I will nest with Naia in the master and the guest cabin will once again be open for busines as the summer friends start flocking in.

Step one was unloading. Every single thing had to come out of the room. My boy has a lot of things. A lot of little odds and ends and bits and pieces. To the untrained eye they may seem like rubbish, but he knows they are treasures. And of course clothes and stuffed animals and blankets. It's all loaded up to the ceiling here in the book nook.
And the mattress is there in the bath tub. Look for the green thing way back there. Now the room looks like this.
Zach has been telling us with great drama and vigor that he can NOT tolerate a plain white room. How very dull mother. And we have been trying to convince him with equal passion that painting the walls purple and green will make his room look like a dark eggplant cavern. Light is the key my boy. So we have some tricks up our sleeves to honor his color quest while whitewashing the walls too.
It may be a week or so before we have this all together, but if we can make our vision actually come to life it should be pretty darn cool. Even for a boat.
To be continued...
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